This is a list of services, software, packages and images that I have experience with. It’s still a work in progress, and the list is by no means complete.
- Lambdas - Serverless scaley woo-woo from Amazon
- DynamoDb - Partitioned, hyper scale structured document store
- Sqs - Amazon queuing service
- Kinesis - Amazon streaming service
- Function Apps - Serverless scaley woo-woo from Microsoft (With slot deployments)
- CosmosDb - Partitioned, hyper scale structured document store (With a real indexing system, and rich scripting support)
- Service Bus - Microsoft queuing service
- Event Hubs - Microsoft streaming service
General SaaS Platforms
- DataDog - Logging, reporting and monitoring.
- Octopus Deploy - Manage and ship releases to your environments.
Storage Providers
- Sql Server - The microsoft database.
- Postgres - Open source DB, has really good geospacial support and integration with GIS.
- MySql - Now owned by Oracle.
- ElasticSearch - Scaleable, indexed document store.
- CosmosDb
- DynamoDb
Queues and Streams
- Rabbit MQ - Queues and topic server.
- Service Bus
- Event Hubs
- Sqs
- Kinesis
Docker Images
Dev Tools
- Visual Studio - My main IDE for .net.
- VS Code - The other IDE, that the main IDE doesn’t know about.
- NCrunch - Because tests while you type rocks.
- Specflow - BDD testing framework.
- Jekyll - Ruby based blog engine.
DotNet Packages
- XUnit - Runs unit tests.
- Moq - Create fakes, mocks and stubs.
- Fluent Assertions - Assert… fluently.
- Simmy - Chaos Behavior based off Polly, throw errors and add latency.
- Polly - Configure retry policies.
Text Processing
- Sprache - Scannerless parsing library for turning text into objects.
- Serilog - Logging library with configurable sinks.
- Reactive Extensions - Composable, observable streams.
Time and Space
- NodaTime - Alternative Date/Time library. LocalTime, TimeZones, Instants, Durations and other useful primitives and calculations.
- NetTopologySuite - GIS mapping library.
- Stateless - Lightweight state machine.
- Workflow Core - Lightweight workflow engine.
Storage / Serialization
- Dapper - Ultra lightweight ORM from StackOverflow.
- DbUp - Database setup and migration tool.
- Newtonsoft.Json - An old classic, but not so relevant now it’s integrated into netcore.